Ezt a videót csináltam végig:
http://www.fitnessblender.com/v/workout-detail/Epic-1000-Calorie-Workout-at-Home-Total-Body-HIIT-plus-Cardio-Strength-Training-Stretching/e2/1000 Calorie Workout
Cardio Warm Up - 40 Seconds each: This section will take around 5 minutes to complete and is done straight through without rest in between exercises.
- Lateral Steps + Alternating Arm Circles
- Shallow Lateral Lunges + Arm Pulls
- 4 Torso Twists + Knee Up
- Jog in Place
- Lunges + Arm Sweep & Reach
- High Knee Pulls
- Jumping Jacks
- Butt Kickers
HIIT Component: This section will take around 36 minutes to complete and is done in a Tabata structure of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds of rest. You will do each exercise once in a group of 4 sets (2 minutes per exercise) with a 20 second rest between exercises.
1 Mt Top Squat Jumps
2 Burpee Squat Holds
3 Lateral Hops + Center Jump
4 Plank Walk + 2 Plank Jacks
5 3 Heel Tap + Jump Squat
6 Pull Jacks
7 Fly Jacks
8 Quick Squats + Inside Heel Tap
2 Minute Break
9 Lateral Jumps
10 180 Get Ups
11 2 Hooks 2 Uppercuts + 2 Jumping Jacks
12 Squat + Overhead Lift (Single Arm Clean and Press)
13 Traveling Push Ups
14 4 Butt Kickers + 2 Lunges
15 Static Running Man Knees
16 Jumping Jacks
Strength Training/Toning: In this section we will be doing 10 repetitions of 6 different total body exercises. We will go through one set of each exercise before starting again for a second set. This section will take roughly 14 minutes.
1 Pullover + Jackknife Crunch
2 Weighted Squats + Overhead Press
3 Deadlift + Row
4 Bridge + Chest Press
5 Alternating Lunges + Curls
6 Ski Squat + Tricep Kickbacks
Core (abs, obliques and lower back): In this section we will be going through 9 different exercises performing each for 50 seconds straight before moving to the next. This section should take around 20 minutes to complete as we are going through this section for two rounds.
1 Single Leg Drops
2 Toe Touch Crunches
3 Side Plank Raises (Left)
4 Side Plank Raises (Right)
5 Back Bows
6 Single Limb Oblique Jackknife Crunch
7 Flutterkicks
8 V Leg Crunches
9 Static Plank
Cool Down & Stretch: This section is comprised of 11 exercises to target the major muscles used throughout this lengthy workout. Each motion or stretch is done for 20 seconds.
1 Inside Thigh Stretch + Arm Cross Pull (L & R)
2 Hip Flexor + Triceps Stretch (L & R)
3 Quadricep Stretch (L & R)
4 Wall Chest Stretch (L & R)
5 Forward Bend + Shoulder Stretch
6 Downward Facing Dog
7 Deep Glute Stretch (L & R)
8 Supine Torso Stretch (L & R)
9 Cobra Stretch
10 Cat Stretch
11 Child’s Pose